Ngoc Ha gave me a fantastic breakfast, including a litre of water & biscuits for the road. I set of in the warm and dry 🙂

The guy had been pointing to my map to areas with no roads marked, so once going I kept my eyes open. Sure enough there is a new road that runs parallel to Highway to Hue, totally unused by buses and trucks so a glorious ride over new bridges. Couldn’t help but notice all the big signs for building development though! So how long all the beaches & roads remain quite who knows.
The sun paid a visit so once again I was hunting shadows so I could read the iPhone screen. Two unusual things today one are the circular burial graves and the second are the Christian Churches once you cross into South Vietnam, given it was Sunday they appeared very unused.
Hue was obviously very busy and noisy especially after a quiet day. I ended up at the Kim Chi which hasn’t got a lot going for it other than it’s outside The Citadel main entrance. The Citadel itself is OK but really not my thing. The WiFi is totally useless so I’ve ended up at the very up market Hotel Saigon Morn for dinner (and show) to use their WiFi. Shudder to imagine what the dinner will cost 🙁 but it’s all delicious so far. It cost 372,000 dong (£10.15)
The day was 66 miles and here is The Strava:
And the photos are here
must have been lovely to be on nice quiet roads…. has been a surprise to see how busy the roads have been… totally unexpected !