I must have been tired! I didn’t wake up till 8.15 and then the Blaze decided it’s battery was empty after 6 days use 🙁 So I at to hang around to give it some electrons and then unbelievably after I was ready to go I discovered I had packed my cycling socks right at the bottom of the saddle bag 🙁
Eventually at 9.42 I started biking after a coffee and croissant next door. It was pretty well straight into a 500 foot climb out of Pamplona. I soon found myself with the juggernauts on the N-121 certainly not my idea of fun 🙁 DEfintley a fail on the cyclena.ps plug in routing software, obviously way to simplistic. After 10 miles I pulled in and set the maps.me app to work, it might take 5mins to grind away but it came up with a route down a stony track to a delightful village and then on quiet roads until Villafranca where I took some of the GMaps Koolaid to find myself on 10 miles of stony tracks by the river.
It wouldnt have been so bad except earlier on I suddenly though I hadn’t seen my pump for a while 🙁 I inspected the bike to find not only the pump was gone but its plastic mounting bracket had sheared off 🙁 Probably up that big hill yesterday when my foot slipped out of the cleat 🙁 So I was now really worried to be on a stony track miles from anywhere 🙁 Fortunately all went well and there is even a Specialized shop right next to the hotel in Tudela so a new pump was purchased and now kept in my bar bag 🙂
An excellent biking day overall apart from the wretched South wind in my faee all afternoon with the temperature hitting 30deg according to one sign.
The Tudela Bardenas is excellent with an awesome shower, Dinner is only served after 8.30pm the meal itself was very nouveau in portion sizes but very tasty. The price is incredibly reasonable too 🙂
Strava says I did 64.8 miles and 1598 feet of climbing
The photos on Dropbox here
and what a delight to be on real internet with 44 meg upload speeds 🙂
and nearly forgot the heart rate,the Blaze decided not to capture first hour 🙁

Day 21 Pamplona to Tudela. LivingDay 25,270 https://t.co/gmXVFlNLEn https://t.co/FKPbQnsXuz