After my hectic night with Sally (see her posts here and here) plus stopping to take a snapshot of one of the three police cars wrecked on Regent Street we didn’t make it back home till 1am ish.

Then today was up and away to be at Cambridge Rambling Clubs ‘A’ walk led by Carolyn with a 9am start from Hardwick across the total overkill of the blue footbridge over the A428 followed by many many muddy fields to Elsworth for a drink at the George & Dragon run by the aptly named Mr & Mrs Beer.
Here is the walk with some great shots of muddy boots:-
Cambridge Ramblers – Elsworth Walk
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A great fun day with some lovely fun people… and 14 miles turned into 16 ….. 🙂 🙂
Looked like an awesome walk
and loved your pics 🙂