Finally, about 50 years after Stan and I marvelled at huge tortoises, I’ve arrived at The Galapagos islands interestingly at the same place that Darwin landed t 200 years ago! I guess better late than never 🙂
This afternoon I did a little walk by the cultural centre which is full of profoundly depressing stuff about the slaughter of the local tortoises to provide oil for lamps 🙁 and the maltreatment of prisoners ( it was a prison colony for a while) plus the introduction of non native animals oh dear we homo sapiens are a stupid lot!
Here is a map and some pictures of the walk.
San Cristobal, Galapagos
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Now the debate in my head is how long to stay, I’m booked out on a flight on Friday but I think that will be changed 🙂
My problem is that I do really love travelling just hanging out in cafes listening to other folks and the ocean…
Maybe I can turn Sally into a traveller too, sounds s though she is getting fed up living where she is at the minute …….
Wow that is a wonderful you talked about the island and tortoises all those years ago……Sally and I talked about The Inca trail about 5 years ago, ..she has beaten me too it!!! It will be amazing….
Very interesting photo you put up about the computer cables too!!
Did Darwin REALLY fly to the Galaps from Quito… I'll check my notes but something seems suspiciously out of place there!
This is the part of your adventure that excites me most….. all those islands to explore and all that wild life to see……..
As for me travelling ..well i would travel to the end of the world with you…. but traveling on my own does not appeal i believe these special things should be shared with someone
I read on one web site that the galapagos islands is one of the most romantic places to go…shame your all alone 🙁
At least you can share your journey with others over the internet – not quite the same as being on your own without communication, etc. Enjoying looking at your photos.
Jenny… what you say is so true…….. with the internet you need never feel quite so alone. and its great to be able to follow geoff on his adventure….. like reading a chapter from a book every night 🙂
Jenny… what you say is so true…….. with the internet you need never feel quite so alone. and its great to be able to follow geoff on his adventure….. like reading a chapter from a book every night 🙂