Oh dear my 3G IPhone is starting to crack up:-

The crack is about 12mm (1/2″ long) starting from the 3.5mm headphone connector.
I have an appointment to see a Genius in the Cambridge Apple store in a short while….
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Update: Apple replaced the phone FOC – Excellent service from the Cambridge UK store 🙂
hope they dont tell you its from over use 🙂
this person will need to be a miracle worker rather than just a genius to cure this. Geoff have you been falling about with your beloved iPhone in your pock?
Michael and Sally they started off by saying that I had dropped it or abused it 🙁 as if I would!
After some discussion and because they 'like people to leave the store happy' Kelvin and Aaron agreed to replace it 🙂 –
I am just making sure I have all my Fatwatch data off it first.
This is a recognized problem with the iphone. Dont stand any nonsense at the apple store.
Apple do know it is an issue.
This is a recognized problem with the iphone. Dont stand any nonsense at the apple store.
Apple do know it is an issue.