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High and dry on The Cam

Interesting walk to Grantchester this morning to The Orchard tea rooms with Sally. The river was about 6 feet lower than normal due to work being carried out on the sluice gates at the Kings Mill weir on the mill pond (18th Feb until 3rd March). Here is a picture of the upper river punts left high and dry, more pictures on flickr.
Punts left high and dry

Lets hope the proposed electric punts on the upper river Cam will also be left high and dry for the future. See the proposals on their website. Please write before 31st March and voice your opinion too:-

The Conservators have received a preliminary proposal for a water bus to operate on the ‘Upper River’ Cam between King’s Mill Weir and Grantchester. The Conservators have requested more information from the applicants prior to a decision being taken at their next meeting at the Guildhall on 10th April.
At present, motorised vessels are only allowed on the Upper River with the permission of the Conservators’ ‘Control Officer’ (River Manager) under the terms of Byelaw 5.1.
The proposal put forward to date is for two wide-beam (‘ferry’) punts to be fitted with silent electric motors. They will be capable of travelling at a maximum of 4 mph. A regular shuttle service is envisaged between the City and Grantchester between 9am and 7pm, 7 days a week. There may be pick-up and set-down points along the route. Each punt could carry a maximum of 12 passengers with a competent skipper.

The Conservators would welcome views on this proposal, in writing, before 31st March 2008. Written submissions should be sent to the Conservators’ office at Baits Bite Lock, Fen Road , Milton , Cambridge CB24 6AF, marked for the attention of the River Manager.

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