Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

Rio Pacuare rafting

Just back from an excellent white water rafting experience with Explornatura. The trip was good value at $220 including an overnight stay at the remote and beautiful campsite by the river.

Its now the end of the dry season so the river was running a bit low but still plenty to have fun over the rapids and also to get some swimming in between.

All my photos are on Picasa at:-

White water rafting the Rio Pacuare

and a map of the route (including breaks in the GPS where I went swimming) is up on Everytrail:-

White water rafting the Rio Pacuare

Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

We also went to visit a local indigenous community and their new school and sewage digestor. They hope to make it into a tourist attraction 🙂

Reader Comments

  1. wow that did look like fun 🙂 I even think i would have loved a go as it looked quite gentle compared to the rafting water you showed me in france……… … BTW i loved the photo of the crocs 🙂

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