Cambridge Rambling Club – Waterbeach to Lode
Today’s Cambridge Rambling Clubs ‘A’ team walk was led by Rita. Nine of us set off from Waterbeach village green heading for Anglesey abbey via Lode. At last its warming up and the ground is drying out with a few buds beginning to form on the hedgerows.
Vast hordes of people had descended on Anglesey Abbey ostensibly to visit the snowdrops but seemingly to gorge themselves in the vast canteen whose smells reminded me of school lunches and form queues at the toilets. Its truly amazing how the National Trust has turned itself into a mini shopping mall, easy to imagine a Tesco Express arriving on the site sometime soon. Apparently in 2008 it had 191,549 visitors!
Here’s todays walk, flat as a pancake but a good day out.
Cambridge Rambling Club – Waterbeach to Lode walk
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