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Trial of Origin beat 600 bands

My nephew Sam, lead guitar in the band Trial of Origin, messaged me earlier today with the fantastic news that they had beat more than 600 school bands to reach joint first place in the BBC Midlands Today School of Rock competiton. This means they will get time in a professional recording studio. You can watch an excerpt of them playing here afterwards they may even get some needle time on Radio1.

The BBC site still shows second place but according to Sam “its cos of this BBC thing. have u heard one of the bands got a computer or something (maybe skype) to block vote for them. so they got loads and loads votes, so they won. HOWEVER the BBC knew they hadnt really won, and wen they took away the false votes, it was us who actually won. so even though we were classed as the runners up, theyr still giving us the winners prize

Robert Scoble featured them on his blog last year (Scoble ahead of the pack as always) afterwards Ewan Spence picked up on them and featured the band in his rock podcast #14. Maybe I can get Fred to feature them over at his A VC blog.

Really excellent news and they get to play a gig at the Birmingham NEC

Reader Comments

  1. That’s really exciting news. How about trying to get them a gig at The Junction.

  2. They play loads of places.

    Mainly the Underground and Sugarmill (both in Hanley). Sometimes they play the glebe in Stoke as well. Definitely the best band in stoke at the moment. I’ve lost count of how many times that I have seen them, it;s gonna keep on going up though.

  3. Wish of the Day rock. I heard there music being played when I went over to magaluf with my mates. They must be doing something right to be getting played over in majorca. Also heard something about them getting a slot at Reading 2007 or something so im looking forward to that if I can get enough money for a ticket.

    Anyway, Rock on!


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