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Feeling cold in Cambridge UK

I wonder if this is why I have been feeling the cold more than usual “They also found that volunteers who restricted their caloric intake by 25% or achieved similar results by cutting calories and upping exercise had a reduced average core body temperature at the conclusion of the six month trial. Lower body temperatures are also associated with longevity” from the New Scientist

Here is my weight loss chart from the Treo650 created by the excellent Eatwatch programme. Not quite in the same league as the volunteers. About a 7% reduction in weight over a year. (The screenshot is taken using the Screenshot utility from Linkesoft).

But then again it could be that the UK has been having more easterly winds this winter (As a result a cold east to north-easterly flow dominated the weather, strong at times across southern part – UK Met office or even since “The White House”redecoration, the windows are no longer sealed shut with paint!