Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

Welcome to Cambridge!

Just back from Palermo in Sicily where we were walking the streets in safety at midnight.

I got off bus at Drummer street around 12.45am. Suzanne went home in taxi. I started walking home. Helped some Chinese guy on his bike at the corner of Regent Street / Drummer street to find Leys Ave.

Just walking past Emmanuel College near Maplins when one of three white guys all dressed in hoodies decide to lash out at me – belting me behind my left ear. I gave chase but they ran faster and get this; some youths on other side of road started egging them on. What a great country we live in! Welcome home to Cambridge. Called police when I got home but no sign of them yet.

Update: PC1523 arrived at 3:45 to take a mini statement. Apparently a full statement will take about 90 minutes to take and will happen some time in the next 7 days. After I have been allocated a case officer.

happy slapping