Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

Today added a rather nice bizarre page to my website were I can add pictures of the all loo locks that I encounter in my travels. I am always amazed just how diverse such a simple object can be,

and the sunday times today gives the real risks of living in UK today:

The real risks are:-

Currently in the UK there are around 250,000 smokingrelated deaths each year (source here)

190,000 Cancer deaths a year

132,000 Heart disease deaths a year

60,000 Stroke deaths a year

4,000 Flu deathe a year on average

3,400 Road accident deaths a year

1,200 MRSA (hospital infection) deaths a year

1,050 Murders a year

155 HIV deaths a year

0 Sars deaths recorded

Interesting about the flu killing more than road accidents.

I hear the major involved in the Millionaire scam has been offered a job flogging cough sweets. Story here. Great!

And a story on what could happen if another 20th century marvel were to pack up, thats the GPS system apparently 18 outof the 28 satellites are past there use by date. oops see here