Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

Some random links

A quick recap of some of the tabs open in my Firefox right now:-

Hit the snooze button on your “verbose” Twitter friends and we all have a few of them :-).

Create an RSS feed from any page on the net (enables you to detect changes without going to the site).

Employ people by the hour or by the job, a UK based service ideal if you want to work from home.

Fantastic talk by Clay Shirky to give your friends who say.
Where You Find the Time to Spend Online

A clip on Brain gym from the Bad science website.

BBC Newsnight mine the Brain Gym comedy mountain

How others see me…

Here is a pretty neat example of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk in action.

You can upload one picture a day to Facestat they then give it to their, paid, mechanical turk folks to analyse the picture for your social standing. I used the picture that Sally really loves.

In my case they were pretty well correct having me down as aged between 60-69, average weight, liberal politics (how do you do that from a picture?), married (well they can’t always be right!), trustworthy, well off, bright but not attractive 🙁 so won’t be going on hot or not! and apparently I’m not funny.

I wonder how much they pay the guys to do this!

Lying cameras.

Totally staggering story about the manipulation of photographic evidence in driving offenses taken from The

The spread of photo enforcement depends upon the truism that the camera never lies. A photograph presents a record of exactly what happened, free of the human problems of bias or misrecollection. This month, however, a UK motorist was exonerated after he proved conclusively that a traffic camera photograph issued in the London Borough of Lambeth did lie”

Here is the same image displayed at different zoom levels.