Friday, April 21, 2006

Anyone for tennis? Real of course...

Took myself off for my first lesson in Real Tennis today under the guidance of Kees Ludekens the senior coach at Cambridge University Real Tennis Club, yep a bit of a mouthful and rather offputting as you don't have to belong to the university at all to join.

Really enjoyable especially under Kees eagle eye, spotting all my mistakes (Using the racquet like in badminton - just doesn't work!). Things I have to remember is to imagine a camera in the racquets handle looking at the oncoming ball, serving slower and serving sideways on - plus all the names of the parts of the court!

I notice in the Wikipedia article that there is a court in Australia at Ballarat where my friend, from infant school, Stan Jeffery lives. Will have to convince him to take it up.

My next session is Wednesday 26th April at 12.30 if anyone fancies joining me for group instruction under Kees.


Ellee Seymour said...

I'm up for it. Hurray, a blog from Geoff after so long, thought you'd given up.

Iain Dale is on Sky tomorrow morning talking about blogging, I shall miss it unfortunately.

8:37 PM  
Ellee Seymour said...

I bumped into Lorraine in Cambridge today at a climate change lecture, she said she was determined to start blogging straight away.

Watch this space.

I also bumped into Jane from the Cambridge Women's Networking lunch group. She has just set up a blog on their site as a result of my suggestion - so progress is being made.

Now we just need to make the world reduce carbon emissions!

11:20 PM  
Ellee Seymour said...

Never mind asking if anyone is up for tennis, how about anyone for blogging?

8:01 PM  

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