Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hear from your MP

Following on from my recent post where I was one of 162 (now 168) people who have signed up for the Hear from your MP service.

Last week David happened to turn up at the door promoting his local bod (Steven Cooper whose interests I note are ethereal - Music, Singing, Film, Holiness, Justice rather than the hardworking local campaigner as on his flyer.) in the Cambridge City council elections. I harrangued David about his failure to reply to emails (denied even getting them) and pointed out Ellee's comments about him been an academic and hence aloof.

So imagine my delight to receive from him today a letter and also that he has posted its contents to the hearfromyourmp website.

Apparently he is on the committee that is poring over the “the Abolition of Parliament Bill” or its more arcane title "Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill"; yep the one that will allow ministers and their lackeys to produce laws that allow you to be locked up for 2 years without parlimentary scrutiny.

Unusually we had the current incumbent for our ward, Kevin Blencowe of Labour knock on the door last night. He thought maybe he knew me - I've only lived here for 20 years and stood as an independent canditate a few years ago!


Ellee Seymour said...

You will hear from your MP and plenty of other candidates in the run up to the next general election. Don't let them forget they are there to serve you.

5:10 PM  
Ellee Seymour said...

Geoff, why haven't you blogged for the last 13 days? What can be better than blogging?

Could you please send me the info about David Milliband's blog being nominated for an award.

And welcome home.

6:58 PM  
Steven Cooper said...

Hi, I've been interested to see your reference to me in your blog. You imply an incompatibility between my interests as stated on my LDYS forum profile and as stated on my leaflet. The two are in no way incomptible, but it seemed of more interest to other users of a Liberal Democrat forum to tell them something about myself that isn't directly related to politics. After all, my political concerns are the subject of my posts on the forum. I can assure you and your readers that I am vigorously committed to the concerns mentioned on the leaflet, and to the wider concerns of Petersfield.

12:09 AM  

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