Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Pleased to see that Stupid White Men won the book of the year awards here in the UK (see here).

Its certainly an excellent book, only halve way through and already Bush would be in prison if he lived in California, with the three strikes and you are out rule. And thats before he organises his turkey shoot against Iraq and here are some pictures of the 'turkey's'. which apparently have been distributed in NY.

Q. Why does USA /UK know that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.
A. Because it gave them to Saddam to help him against war with Iran (a list is here)

Interesting if anyone writes a similar book about Blair et al. Probably be banned in UK! just as some of White Men are Stupid cannot be printed in UK.

Here is an extra chapter to the book with the alarming story of why you can still fly with butane lighters in the USA

And here is a site of links to try and make world a better place


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